Sunday, September 18, 2011

Book Talk: The Leaf Catcher

The Leaf Catcher is an epic poem written by Dax Michael Tucker available in hard copy and on Kindle. Mr. Tucker  is visible on Facebook and Twitter, and he also pens a blog I find insightful.

I wrote the following about The Leaf Catcher:

The poem draws the reader in with an age-old tale of good versus evil, but also of spirit over circumstance. The Leaf Catcher enjoys a humble but fulfilling life with his wife and children that is challenged by a prince seeking superficial pleasure. The prince's manipulation brings him to a more sadistic motive easily couched in fear-fed plausibility. The emotional upheaval this leads to in the Leaf Catcher and that of his family is beautifully rendered, especially at the moment of deepest despair.

The reader will see several themes played out as the poem progresses. Among them, the power of familial influence, freedom of the spirit in spite of circumstance and physical condition, and a mirrored epiphany of the magnitude of choice. Magic is presented as a means to right outward wounds, leaving inward physical damage intact almost as a remembrance of truths gained, like Jacob's limp in Hebrew text.

I highly recommend this story as a part of any collection. The poem can be read in one sitting, but go back over its nuggets of wisdom and ruminate over them. Five star bravo reading.

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